Sunday 18 March 2012

Rocking Horse Road 18/03/2012 number 6

Title: Rocking Horse Road
Author: Carl Nixon
Pages Read: 1 Chapter
Summary: With the group wanting to find out more about SJ, they find where he lives. It turns out that SJ is in his twenties and lives around 2 kilometres away from the Asher's shop. The group then break into SJ's house and find photographs of Lucy naked, this opens the door to the group thinking that they were taking photos and then she didn't want to do it anymore and he strangled her. The group are all shocked by the photos and meet at night outside his house. They through rocks, golf clubs, baseball bats and more, they force him to come outside stumbling they through more and more at him until he is lying on the grass outside his house in the puddle of water surrounding everyone's house due to the southerly sweeping in the ocean making the difference between the ocean and estuary almost indeterminable.

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